ATV オフロード ツアーと洞窟プール シュノーケリング

» Aruba » Aruba » Aruba

From $90.00

678 レビュー   (4.94)

価格情報: 一人当たり

間隔: 4 hours

: Aruba, Aruba

: モバイルチケットまたは印刷したチケットの受付可

この 4 時間のツアーでは、Polaris 570CC シングルまたはダブル ATV に乗って、アルバの北海岸を走ります。険しい裏道、砂漠、海辺、泳いだりシュノーケリングができる自然の洞窟プールまで、全地形万能車で美しい景色をお楽しみください。地元のアルバのホテルへの送迎が提供されます。









  • ADULT: : 8 - 99

  • ガイドに定期的に手を洗うことを義務付け
  • 公共の場ではガイドにマスク着用を義務付け
  • 妊娠中の方にはおすすめしません
  • 旅行者とスタッフ用のアルコール手指消毒液を用意
  • 移動用の車両の定期的な消毒
  • 運転免許証が必要です
  • あらゆる体力レベルの方に適しています
  • ツアー・体験全体を通してソーシャルディスタンスの確保を要請
  • 公共の場では旅行者にマスク着用を義務付け
  • 子供は大人が同伴する必要があります
  • 用具・機器などの使用後の消毒
  • 背骨に健康上の問題がある方にはおすすめしません


  • For a full refund, you must cancel at least 24 hours before the experience’s start time.
  • If you cancel less than 24 hours before the experience’s start time, the amount you paid will not be refunded.

What To Expect

Natural Bridge
ツアー ガイドがナチュラル ブリッジの歴史を簡単に説明します。撮影後はご自由にどうぞ。

15 minutes • Admission Ticket Free

Andicuri Beach
アンディクリ ビーチでは、泳いだり、ビーチで日光浴を楽しんだりすることができます。

15 minutes • Admission Ticket Free

Bushiribana Gold Mill Ruins

15 minutes • Admission Ticket Free


Couldn’t have been better!!!
caitlincain6, 05-12-2022
4 of us rented ATV’s and wow it was SO MUCH FUN!!! Alexis was a phenomenal tour guide with lots of knowledge and good jokes. We had another tour guide riding in a UTV as our lead to ensure we were all safe and having fun (cannot remember his name, but he was also hilarious and careful)! We had 5 beautiful stops, the church (with a coconut water stand - yum), the smaller natural bridge, the goldmine stone building, the largest natural bridge, and then the infamous cave pools with cliff jumping. It rained heavily before we set off which was great because the trails weren’t super dusty. We were able to really go fast and take jumps on the ATVs too. All in all, beautiful views, adrenaline, snacks/drinks at stops, and wonderful guides really made for the perfect experience!
Great fun and safe!
Heli_K, 04-12-2022
Super fun trip! More stops than advertised, some history provided on the stops, good safety measures (one of the two guides stopping traffic for us when in the city), great sights and good vehicles. Plenty of cold water offered on all stops. Got my moneys worth!
Fun in the sun
Carrie_J, 01-12-2022
We had a blast in this trip. The guides were great and full of energy. I would definitely do this again.
Great Day in Aruba
ChuckO1970, 24-11-2022
Just the beautiful views from the back country. The guides were great and the tour was worth every penny.
They worked with everyone no matter your skill level to make sure you had a great time.
Kimmii00, 12-12-2022
Wendel is amazing. We were able to experience atv for the first time, go in the cave pool without fear. My friend drove the atv and whenever we got stuck or an atv missing, he always makes sure to look for us and make sure we are safe.
The best experience is, you are able to enjoy the thrill yet feel safe.
ATV Experience
909corneliah, 11-12-2022
My family came to Aruba to celebrate my mothers 60th birthday. We booked this tour prior to our arrival to Aruba, and we are so glad we booked this tour. We enjoyed everything about the tour, from the time we were picked up from our resort until the time we arrived back. The guides were amazing and knowledgeable. The ATV ride was well worth it as we were able to experience some of Aruba’s top attractions. We would definitely recommend this tour as you will not regret it.
Great views,fun, and safe.
nyeira, 13-12-2022
Driving on the stove through aruba seeing the beautiful sights was amazing they were great tour guides. My friends and I felt safe and we had a ball! Thank you for everything!
No snorkeling
Karen_N, 22-11-2022
There really wasn’t any place to snorkel so it was misleading!! Do go on this if you really wanna snorkel bc you don’t